Test Questions 

1. What two purposes do maps serve? They are used as a reference tool and as a communication tool
2. What is Geography?
     A. The art and science of map making
     B. The study of where things are found on earth's surface
     C. Position as expressed in degrees, minutes, and seconds
     D. The regional position or situation of a place
3. Who was Eratosthenes? first guy to ever attempt to create a map.
4. What is site?
    A. The physicals character of a place
    B. The location of a place relative to other places
5. Why does the Peter's world map look distorted to us? Because we are used to seeing the mercator map our whole life which actually has a wrong scale and so that is why the Peter's map looks weird to us.
6. Do humans have the ability to modify the characteristics of a site? Yes
7. What is relative location? The regional position or situation of a place
8. What does UTC stand for? Coordinated Universal Time
9. Why do we have time zones? So that every where in the world the sun rises at the same time it would rise in another part of the world and we would al be in an orderly fashion
10. What are the five significant parallels? Artic Circle, Tropic of Cancer, Equator, Tropic of Capricorn, and Antarctic Circle. 


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