
Showing posts from March, 2020


Cyber School is definitely a huge change in all of our lives especially because I have never been homeschooled in my life. I have never had to experience something like this. It almost feels unreal. Cyber school in my opinion is a lot harder than live school. Math is really hard to keep up with because we can't really have a one on one conversation with our teachers if we have questions. All the teachers really can't give that much work because it should only take us 55 minutes to complete. I feel bad for all of the seniors because they might not have their senior prom which is really sad because that is what you usually look forward too. It is also hard for all the teachers to really teach a lesson and it's harder for me to pay attention because there are so many distractions around.

Plague v.s. COVID-19

So obviously now we are dealing with some serious issues in our society with this new virus called COVID-19. It came from China and was brought over to the U.S. from some travelers. Some people may compare it to the Plague that hit Athens a very long time ago. As of right now we don't know how long COVID-19 is going to last but it has only been around for a couple of months and the Plague was around for 4 years!! Laws became very strict in Athens once the Plague hit. The Plague hit right in the middle of the Peloponnesian war. For the plague the symptoms were fever and chills, extreme weakness, abdominal pain, bleeding from your mouth, shock, and blackening or death of the tissue. The symptoms are very different from the coronavirus.


Phillip II Phillip II was the king of Spain, king of Portugal, king of Naples, and Sicily. He was also the Duke of Milan. He was born on May 21, 1527 in Spain. He was married to Anna of Austria and they had tons of children. He ruled one of the worlds largest empires beginning at the Golden Age. He then died on September 13, 1598. Alexander the Great Alexander was the King of the Ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon and a member of the Argead dynasty. He was born In July 356 BC in Pella. he had three spouses and he had no kids. He had many famous quotes that he had said in his lifetime. One being, "There is nothing impossible to him who will try." He died in June 323 BC in Babylon. Darius III Darius III was called Codamannus by the Greeks. He was the last king of the Achaemenid Empire of Persia from 336 BC to 330 BC. he adopted Darius as a dynastic name. He was born in 381 BC. He had one spouse and her name was Stateria I. They had three children. Darius then died in ...

Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great Alexander the Great was known as the king of the ancient greek kingdom and Macedon and a member of the Argead dynasty. Alexander was born in Pella in 356 BC and succeeded his father Phillip II ti the throne at the age of twenty. Alexander was born on July 356 and died on June 323. In his lifetime he had three spouses. One of his famous quotes was "There is nothing impossible to him who will try." This is a little about Alexander the Great.

First week review

We have finally completed our first week of cyber school. There were many pros and also many cons. I liked not having to get up super early and having to get ready. I did not like always having busy work in every class but I guess the teachers can't do anything about that because we are all online. I feel like there is not that much work but it depends on the teacher. It is still super weird and adjusting is going to be really hard. I really wish we could go back to school because I miss all my friends and I do not like being quarentined.

Cyber School day 4

Socrates and Sophists liked Protagoras because he was the greatest Sophist of all time. He was the first to promote the philosophy of subjectivism. He argued that interpretation of reality is relative to the individual. They also liked him because he gave him lots of great advice. He also taught people especially men. He was also a great writer. 

How Athen's plan unfolded

Athens plan unfolded because it started with Pericles and how he created a democracy. He wanted his people involved because he liked when his people got a say in government. Their government became way more organized when he did this because the people were happy which made him happy. Athens continued to gain power because they expanded their and created more colonies. Spartans became jealous because they found out that the Athenians were gaining all this power and they wanted it all. Their city was known for the center of power, art, science, and philosophy. Ever since Athens became a democracy everything started to unfold for them and go the right way.

Online School

Greece Questions day 1: 1. Pericles was a Greek statesman, general, and orator of Athens during the Golden Age. His goals for Athens was to dominate the city state. He wanted to strengthen Athenian democracy, strengthen the empire, and finally glorify Athens. 2. A direct democracy is run by having all the decisions voted on by the people. When a budget or law needs to be passed then the idea goes to the people. Large governments rarely make decisions this way. 3. The Delian League was an alliance of Greek-city states led by Athens and formed in 478 BCE to liberate eastern Greek Cities from Persian rule and as a defense to possible revenge attacks from Persia following the Greek victories at Marathon.

Online school

Today in Western Civilization class we spent the time talking about how when we are not in school for two weeks we are going to have out assignments posted on veracross everyday at 8 AM and they are all to be completed by 11:59 PM that same day. We also talked about how serious the coronavirus really is and why we are staying home for two weeks. I think we are going to be off longer because we want to keep the students and the teachers safe and healthy. Each assignment is supposed to take us 55 minutes to complete which means most of the teachers are probably going to give us busy work to do which kind of sucks but there really isn't much else for them to do. This is what we did in Western Civilization class today.

Greece video part 2

Today we had a substitute again and we watched part two of the greece video that we started yesterday. The Persians had a giant empire that took over most of Greece. Darius was known as their "Great King". Marathon was 26 miles away from Athens. Pheidippides ran from Marathon to Athens and that is how the Marathon run was created because it was 26 miles from Marathon to Athens and that is how long an actual marathon is. Pheidippides ran 140 miles in just two days. Athenians returned to their city to celebrate their victory. Themistocles was an Athenian and politician. He was not an Aristocrat. The greeks then found out that the Persians were invading again. They then turned desperately to their gods hoping to get some help for them. 

Western Civ video

Today in western civilization mr. Schick was not here so we watched a video about ancient greece. It talked about all of the most famous philosophers and what they did that impacted their society. It first started with the war at Athens. Then moved on to talking about Cleisthenes and what he did to affect their civilization. He thought that these ordinary people shouldn't have freedom and he did whatever he could to make that happen. They thought that he was born around 570 BC. He grew up in a world with great privilege. Cleisthenes was told he was an aristocrat. It was said that you can smell Athens when you are near it. The Aristocrats held the power and they dominated Athens. Each city state was very independent and there were thousands of them. They were never politically verified. The Corinthians dominated trade. The Spartans were made to be soldiers by birth. They lived a life of military. The Spartans declared war every year with the Helots. Ancient tales and myths inspired ...

Greece Philosophers

Today in class we talked about greek philosophers such as Socrates and Plato. We learned all about socrates rule and how he wanted to hear everyone's side of the story. We spent most of the class discussing our opinions of same sex marriage. Some people were for it and some were against it. There was a lot of disagreements and many different opinions on it throughout the class. Mr. Schick was playing the role of socrates throughout the whole time we were talking about it. We then ended the class talking about Plato. I looked ahead and we only have two more slides left of the powerpoint. It seems like it has gone on forever. This is what we did in Western Civilization class.

Persian Wars

Today in Western Civilization we learned about how the Greeks were warlike people especially the spartans. Spartans were known for their tough ruthless infantry. Spartan boys started training when they were only seven years old. Athens also had a great infantry but nothing compared to their army. Their most effective weapon was the trireme which is a technological marvel. It was the fastest ship in the world at the time. On the other hand the Persians have a massive army and they invaded Greece which is what started the Persian war. In 490 BC persian fleet attacks marathon but loses. Greeks abandon Athens to fight persia at sea. This is everything we went over today in class.

Greek Gods and Goddesses

Today we are continuing talking about Greece but now we are talking about the Greek gods and goddesses. I learned about Poseidon and how he interfered with Odysseus trying to return home. We also talked about Aphrodite and hoe he had lovers of both gods and men. We talked about Dionysus and he was the son of Zeus and semele. And then we talked about Zeus. He was the ruler of heaven and earth, father of Athena; god of the sky, weather, thunder, lightning, law, order, and justice. Then we ended with Athenea and she is the goddess of warfare and peace and she was born as a human right from Zeus' head in her full armour and everything. This is what we did in Western Civilization class.

Greece Democracy

Today in class we took notes on Greeces democracy - citizens could participate, but only one-fifth of Athenians were citizens -after several years, Athens practiced a direct democracy -it’s where the state is ruled by its citizens -rule is based on citizenship -majority rule decides vote -They then voted with white stones (yes) / black stones (no) -it was first practiced in Athens under Cleisthenes by around 500 BCE In class we read pages 134-142 and took notes about the democracy because Mr. Schick was not in class so we couldn't actually look more at the powerpoint. We also went over the test and I didn't do as good on it as I hoped too. But we went over it and I got all the right answers so I can study from it for the midterms.

Absence from class

I was out on Friday's class because I had a field trip